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Why do more than half of students choose to study business?

Students and families that study "business" can be more easily completed their studies, after graduation into the office to get a decent job. Between 1 and below 3 between a class of students.
As the previous part of the answer said, students do not have a clear plan for their career, so choose the Chinese people have a relatively good foundation to mathematics as the fundamental types of professional, such as mathematics, economics, business. First of all, because of the generally strong test-taking ability and mathematical calculation of the Chinese, the economy and mathematics are effortless in the learning process and relatively easy to achieve excellent grades (GPA). Students generally believe that a decent GPA, whether from the job application or graduate students are useful, so in the absence of a clear career planning under the premise of learning to learn a relaxed, not too professional water, after graduation work Go to work, no work can apply for a better graduate school to delay the decision to do their own life, students think that learning "business" is a "not lose into the attack can retreat to defend" professional choice.
After graduation, there are relatively clear plans, such as aspirations to choose a higher starting salary after graduation from the financial industry, consulting industry (principal 70,000 US dollars bonus 0 million to 50,000 floating) students: a. "Business" and the short term B. "Business" is easy to get a good GPA c. "Business" can have more time to do other things to help their job applications, such as through community activities to train people to train English, buy fake UK diploma, buy University fake diploma, buy fake ceritficate, buy high school diploma, fake degree from UK, buy US fake diploma, to prepare for the interview Technical issues (investment banking issues in pure economics is not involved in the basic, consulting firm interview also case-based interview). Such students are either attracted by the lucrative graduate salary, or these positions as their own temper, but also holding a "I certainly will not suffer" mentality. This type of students are often excellent results (GPA3.7 / 4.0 +), the industry information is very sensitive, and relatively active thinking, love social, purpose and execution is very strong, giving a sense of juvenile aging.

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