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Canadian high school "do not care" students do not test university

Students are most concerned about is not able to be admitted to college, but can not successfully graduate, apply to a good school but can not complete the study, is useless.
The author in Canada, had a number of Canadian high school students talk about their application for university experience, they say the most is that "apply for the University is entirely their own thing", no teacher will stare at your application for university things, Only you take the initiative to ask, they will give advice.
In our country, students after graduating from high school what university is the school's top priority. buy a high school diploma from Canada, buy fake degree, buy fake diploma, buy fake certificate, Can be very different in Canada, Canada's high school teaching, the primary purpose is to complete the teaching task, to cultivate high school students should have the ability and quality, as the students after graduating from high school directly to work, apply for a comprehensive university or vocational college, completely Is the student's own choice.
The root cause of this difference is that Canadians do not use the student to enter the university to evaluate the merits of high school - even the students told me that the school did not know where he went to the university. High school is concerned about whether students are required to study the curriculum according to graduation requirements, the public is the quality of teaching quality evaluation of a high school.
There are about 160 to 170 courses for each high school student, where can I order a fake diploma, buy Canadian university degree, buy Canadian college diploma, and there are about academic and technical courses. In BC, students complete 20 courses with 80 credits to complete their studies. In addition to the seven compulsory courses, students can choose courses freely in the humanities, science, arts, technical and other modules.
Since most of the courses are scored independently by the teacher, will the teacher "drop the water" for improving the student's performance? This situation does exist in a small number of private high schools in Canada, but it is rare in public high schools. Often, University of Toronto fake degree, public high school teachers score very strict, students will be rigorous process score. This is because the Canadian teachers are not subject to administrative intervention in teaching, can act purely in teaching ethics, and second, because teachers do not let the students admitted to university pressure, will remain objective in the curriculum score, true, this is the University of Canada trust The Important Reason of High School Course Score.
Even if there are individual private schools have "water" behavior, buy a bachelor degree, buy MBA degree, buy fake diploma, buy a master degree, Canada's education system can also be effective in this governance. On the one hand, if high school students to play abnormal scores, and students in the school after the performance of learning ability and high school scores do not match, it will cause the attention of the University, affecting the future application of students. Moreover, as the Canadian universities and American universities, advocated "wide into the strict", so the students are most concerned about is not admitted to college, but can not successfully graduate, apply to a good school but can not complete the school It is useless.
High school to concentrate on the use of high school curriculum system, rather than around the school to organize teaching, which makes Canada's high school has a relatively rich curriculum for students to choose their own; and because the university application for admission, multiple evaluation, so students can The actual situation is chosen for your own course. "Every student a schedule" arrangement, greatly developed the student's personality and interest.
According to the author understand that there are many schools in the country to introduce the Canadian BC curriculum system, but the actual situation is not ideal. A student from the mainland international course told me that his international class, there is no number of courses can choose, most of the students are limited to the same course, and parents and teachers or special emphasis on school, students did not To experience the development of international courses on their individuality and interests. This international class, although the "international" in the name, but not from the traditional Chinese teaching concept of reality.
Canada's secondary schools can completely run their own schools, students can completely choose their own courses, is the university enrollment system, education management system and the atmosphere of public opinion together the results of the role. This is for our country is promoting the college entrance examination reform also has many inspiration.

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