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Barcelona terrorist attacks, at least 13 people were killed, fake degree

A van was deliberately rushed into a major commercial pedestrian street in Barcelona to enjoy the sunshine crowd, rolling back and forth, killing at least 13 people were killed, 80 people bloody lying on the sidewalk.
A few hours later, the Catalan police said they had killed the second van from the 70-mile seaside town of Cambrils in Barcelona and killed four people. The police said the fifth man then died. According to the Spanish news reports, suspects suspected wearing an explosive belt. Catalan emergency personnel said six civilians and one policeman were injured in the incident.
This is the most serious terrorist attack in Spain since 2004, and in the past few years, at least six attackers have attacked cars in Europe as a deadly weapon in European cities.
The police blockade of two tourist destinations in the center of Barcelona, ​​Plaza de Cataluña and Las Ramblas, and are busy pursuing the attackers.
After two people were arrested, including a Moroccan man, the use of the van is his identity documents. buy a bachelor degree in Barcelona, buy fake Barcelona diploma, But the Barcelona police said the two men should not be drivers, so the culprits are still at large.
The Islamic nation claimed responsibility for the attack; it was crushed in a quiet summer afternoon in one of the most beautiful European cities. President Donald Trump and other Western leaders quickly issued a statement condemning the attacks and pledged to cooperate.
After the attack, the situation became quite confusing, such as the local television reported that a gunman carrying a gun ran into a restaurant, was besieged by the police. But the police denied that.
Witnesses said, was about 5:30 pm, van driver drove around the back and forth, apparently want to crush as many people as possible, the crowd screaming scattered to escape. A large number of police officers searched the area near Ramblas Street to bring people out; Ramblas is a wide street with a large pedestrian area.
Some eyewitnesses shot the video online, showing men, women and children lying motionless between the broken parasols and chairs, lying under the shade, a lot of people in the big bloody, caregivers and friends kneeling next to Appease them, siren whistling.
Whitney Cohn, a math teacher from Montebello in New York, and her husband and two children on their way back to the hotel after visiting a museum, and when they were there, they ran into the crowd, Victims like dolls are usually rushed to the sides, screaming pierced the air. She began to escape with her two daughters. "The speed is fast," Cohen said in a telephone interview in a nearby restaurant. "The car hit us almost."
According to other witnesses description: the car into the pedestrian street, and then accelerate, regardless of children, women or the elderly, see people hit, we lost the hands of things began to escape.
People fled to the alley, and many people were crying. "This is terrible," said Sergi Alcazar, a 25-year-old photographer who arrived at the scene 10 minutes after the attack, and saw the victim lying between the broken parasol, the chair and the coffee table.
Before Thursday, Spain has not been affected by the recent wave of terrorist attacks in Europe degree, in France diploma, Germany diploma, Britain and other places, before the number of terrorist attacks involving extremists drove into the crowd.
Keith Fleming, an American living near Rambla, told the Associated Press that he was watching TV and heard the noise coming down to the balcony, "Women and children are running away." , They look frightened. "
Fleming said that no one on the street, only with guns or riot equipment, the police. "It looks very tense," the Associated Press quoted him as saying. "Obviously people are afraid."
Facebook started the Barcelona security check-in function, it is said that the taxi free ride people leave the city center, and the region is still operating the bus system can also be free ride.
Washington's US anti-terrorism officials said they had contacted the Spanish authorities and said they could provide various assistance, but they also stressed that the investigation was just beginning.
Trump said on Twitter that the United States condemned the attack, and would "provide any necessary help" and told the Spaniards "to be strong, buy fake degree, buy fake diploma, buy fake certificate, to be tenacious, we love you!"
In the subsequent Twitter post, Trump seemed to blame the Islamist militants for initiating the attack and invoked a military event that was generally considered fictitious, even though the Spanish government had not yet confirmed the individual or group behind the attack identity of.
In the social news service platform Telegram, the Islamic countries account to share the news of the attack. There is a channel called "The expansion of the caliph" posted out of the video and wrote in Arabic: "Fear is filling the heart of the Crusaders on Andalusia land."
Over the past year, Islamic countries have invested in various resources to translate their propaganda channels and information into Spanish.
The Islamic countries have called on followers to plan and carry out attacks often refer to countries such as France and the United Kingdom, but Spain is rarely targeted.
However, the country has become the Islamic countries to recruit new people to stop the place, where to buy fake diploma, fake degree for sale,  from Syrian people will be here. In April, the Spanish police arrested nine people, saying that they may be related to fatal attacks in France and Spain.
The attack seems to follow the recent pattern of some of the horrors: the attackers drove into the crowd in the big European cities.
"It is not clear whether the attacker had been in contact with the Islamic state before the action was made, but it was clear that the approach used in the attack was the kind of repeated encouragement and incitement by the Islamic state." Tracking of armed threats and cyber threats "Said Laith Alkhouri, director of Flashpoint at New York Business Risk Intelligence.

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