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Fluorescent security
A certificate of authenticity: Certificate are applicable in various industries, have authorized certificate, proxy certificate, honorary certificate, diploma, jewelry appraisal certificate, etc. skills certificate, which is recognized as proof of a person or thing, is proof of power has proved file, as some auto companies need to conduct business, it will use the authorization certificate, agent certificate, we usually see a drop more solemn certificate, so the design aesthetic and security requirements are also higher, when it comes to design aesthetic that that does not affect the surface appearance of things to the certificate, the certificate in order to allow currently looks beautiful, but also have a good effect of security, they use the yuan gold, gravure technology, more people will use the lack of fresh sense, technology is relatively simple, it seems to put out the certificate are similar, but invisible fluorescent security will be able to solve all problems, does not affect the surface aesthetics, an additional layer of security difficult, adds freshness to be set invisible security password each query can be carried out in a certificate corresponding authentication channels to avoid lost a lot of counterfeiters to produce their own book of the agent, the sale of counterfeit products, to the enterprise's reputation and economic losses.
fluorescent security, security features, watermark

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