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what is a watermark in a transcript

Watermark in the paper refers to the process of the formation of "folders" in the paper instead of the paper surface, welcome ray of light and shade when you can clearly see a textured graphics, or text watermark portrait it is an easily recognizable, caught in the paper, it can transmit light through thus showing the various shadow techniques. Watermark sometimes upon reflection or glare to be seen at the top of a dark background. This phenomenon is due to the density or thickness of the paper sheet caused. Production of paper with watermarks There are two main methods, adhesive roll process and rotary screen printing processes.
Different levels of visual watermark has a very big difference. Some watermark need to understand some of the ways to let it emerge, while others can be very easy to observe. A variety of simple methods can produce watermark effects have gradually been finding out, such as liquid watermark (watermark fluid) or even show a watermark effect without damaging the paper. Watermark often serve to verify the authenticity of the role of money, passports, stamps, government documents or other paper documents.
watermark, Cambridge GCE certificate, watermark transcript

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